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Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.”

April 26, 2021

Spring 2021 Open Burn Season to End Effective Immediately in TMFPD

Reno, Nev. April 26, 2021.  The Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) is announcing that the permitted spring burn season will end immediately in the Fire District.

“The recent storm underperformed, and temperatures are forecasted for record highs later this week, wildland fuels are drying out and increasing the threat of wildfires,” said Fire Chief Charles Moore. “We appreciate our residents’ efforts to protect our community by clearing properties of excess vegetation, and creating defensible space around their homes to reduce the threat of destruction from wildfires.”

One alternative to open burning and disposing of green waste is to take advantage of the Fire District’s free green waste collection days.  The final green waste collection day for the spring season will be June 5 & 6, from 9 am to 4 pm at the Nevada Division of Forestry, 885 Eastlake Blvd, Washoe Valley. 

Green waste collection allows residents to dispose of their dry and dead vegetation, shrubs, tree branches, and other wildland fuels to encourage the creation of defensible space to protect homes and property from wildfires.  Learn more here.


truckee meadows fire
Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.” 