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Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.”

September 13, 2023

Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue Announces Fall Curbside Chipping Program

September 13, 2023. (Reno, NV) – Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue’s Autumn FREE Curbside Chipping Program is now available to Washoe County residents who meet certain criteria.

Curbside Chipping is only intended for disabled, low-income, and elderly individuals.  This program is intended to assist residents who cannot travel to chipping locations such as the Fire District’s green waste collection locations, and allows Washoe County residents to dispose of their green, dry, and dead vegetation, shrubs, tree branches, etc.

We are now accepting requests through October 8, 2023. Chipping will occur during a 10-day period of October 17-26. To sign up, click on the form here.

Please note that all chipping will occur on the homeowner’s property and requires the presence and approval of the property owner.  All material to be chipped must be left on the property. If you believe you meet such criteria, please indicate on this form under comments. 

In order for chipping to occur, the following must be met:

  • All chip material should be 8 inches or less in diameter.
  • All piles must be placed on the curbside of the street where it is accessible for the chipper to gain access. 
  • All cutting ends must be facing the same direction.
  • All material must be clean or dead and considered green material (e.g., no trash, root-balls, leaves, lumber, pinecones, dirt, firewood rounds, and fruit waste)
  • Piles must be chipped within the time limit allotted (e.g., 20 minutes per residence). If we cannot complete all piles by this time, homeowners will need to reapply for the next chipping schedule. This includes clean up and set up time. (3X3X3 feet is approximately the amount of material that can be chipped in the allotted time) 

This is not a year-round program and is only available during spring and fall. Submissions will be accepted on a first-come first-serve basis. Only 12 residents will be approved per day depending on geographical location.  For example, east and west of Washoe fall under two separate dates. 

Residents are encouraged to attach pictures to the online sign-up form to ensure that expected piles meet standards.

Upon successful submission of this form, residents approved will receive an email with information on the days and times the chipping will take place. Questions or concerns can be directed to Juan Saldana at jsaldana@tmfpd.us or 775.737.8693.


truckee meadows fire
Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.” 