Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.” |

Contact Us
Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.”

contact us

Contact information

For Emergencies, please dial 9-1-1

Meet Our Chiefs

chief dale way
Interim Fire Chief
Dale Way
A native Nevadan, Chief Way has more than 25 years of experience in the Nevada fire service and has worked for Clark County, Las Vegas, and North Las Vegas Fire Departments prior to beginning his service with Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue. Chief Way graduated from the National Labor College with a degree in Business Administration and graduated from the College of Southern Nevada with degrees in Fire Science Technology and Fire Science Management. With more than 20 years of Fire Prevention and Investigation experience, he maintains numerous professional certifications and designations from various certifying agencies; the Center for Public Safety Excellence (Chief Fire Officer & Fire Marshal Designation), International Code Council (Certified Fire Marshal & Building Official), National Fire Protection Association (Certified Fire Protection Specialist), and the National Association of Fire Investigators (Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator).
alex kukulusDeputy Chief Chris Ketring
Deputy Chief of Operations 
Chris KEtring
Deputy Fire Chief Chris Ketring has lived in Washoe County for more than 30 years. He holds a degree in Fire Science Technology and has over 24 years of public service to the communities of Northern Nevada. Chief Ketring began his service working for the Nevada Division of Forestry as a Firefighter/EMT and quickly rose to the rank of Fire Captain. Chief Ketring was also a Fire Captain with Sierra Fire Protection District before it merged with TMFR. Deputy Chief Ketring worked his way through the ranks in the fire service to include Battalion Chief and Division Chief before being promoted to Deputy Chief in 2022. He is dedicated to providing all-risk emergency services to all communities within the region and serves on the E911 Advisory Board and Regionalization Committee.

Points of Contact

The Administrative Office for Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District is located at 3663 Barron Way in Reno. At our administrative offices, we can assist you with records requests, burn permits, volunteer firefighter applications, and answer general questions regarding District operations and programs. If you have any questions, please contact us at 775-326-6000. Our fax number is 775-326-6003.
Email Inquiries
Main Office
Accounts Payable
tmfpd-ap@tmfpd.us 775.326.6072
Adam Mayberry
Fire Communications Manager (Media Inquiries)
amayberry@tmfpd.us 775.326.6073
Sandy Francis
Administrative Assistant
sfrancis@tmfpd.us 775.328.6124
Krystal Shaver
Administrative Support Specialist
kshaver@tmfpd.us 775-326-6085
Carla Arribillaga
Human Resources Manager
carribillaga@tmfpd.us 775.326.6007
Rochelle Hagan
Human Resources Support Specialist
rhagan@tmfpd.us 775-326-6082
Cindy Vance
Chief Fiscal Officer
cvance@tmfpd.us 775.326.6070
Kim Paholke
Account Clerk, Accounts Payable
kgpaholke@tmfpd.us 775.326.6072
Simona Parton
Accountant & Payroll Spec.
sparton@tmfpd.us 775.326.6078
Rachel Mcfarland
Accountant, Accounts Receivable and Grants Specialist
rmcfarland@tmfpd.us 775.326.6009
Todd Meckler
Fire Equipment Fleet Manager
tmeckler@tmfpd.us 775.326.6000
Rob Stults
Logistics Coordinator
rstults@tmfpd.us 775.326.6084
Zeb Nomura
EMS Coordinator
znomura@tmfpd.us 775.326.6006
Greg Jackson
Fire Management Officer
gjackson@tmfpd.us 775.447.4092
Brett Taylor
Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator
btaylor@tmfpd.us 775.722.8992
Marissa Giampaoli
Volunteer Program Asst.
mgiampaoli@tmfpd.us 775.326.6086
Joe Schum
Division Chief, Operations
jschum@tmfpd.us 775.326.6004
Jay Cwiak
Division Chief, Training and Logistics
jcwiak@tmfpd.us 775.326.6060
August Isernhagen
Division Chief, Wildland Fuels
aisernhagen@tmfpd.us 775.326.6071
Joe Kammann
Division Chief, EMS
jkammann@tmfpd.us 775.326.6008
Chris Ketring
Deputy Chief of Operations
cketring@tmfpd.us 775.326.6000
Dale Way
Interim Fire Chief
dway@tmfpd.us 775.326.6000


tmfpd headquarters
truckee meadows fire
Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.” 