Our Mission: “Committed to excellence, service, and the protection of life and property in our community.” |
Contact Us10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Agenda AMENDED to add language to Item #10.4 – Chief Report
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Agenda link was amended on 8/31/2021.
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Please Note Rescheduled Time
11:00 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Please Note Rescheduled Day and Time
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Please Note Rescheduled Day and Time
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
10 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Effective September 8, 2020, the public will be allowed in the Commission Chambers, not to exceed a total number of 25 persons within the Chambers at any given time. Due to evolving concerns for public safety resulting from the COVID-19 emergency and pursuant to the Governor of Nevada’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Section 1 (extended by later Directives the most recent of which is Directive 029), which suspends the requirement in NRS 241.023(1)(b) that there be a physical location designated for meetings of public bodies where members of the public are permitted to attend and participate, future meetings may be held by teleconference only. Any member of the public wanting to attend, participate or provide public comment in-person at meetings should review the Board’s agenda posted online at https://tmfpd.us/agendas-minutes/ to determine whether in-person attendance has been suspended by the Governor or Board.
10 a.m.
Please note this regularly scheduled meeting has changed from the 3rd Tuesday of the month to the 1st Tuesday of the Month with a new start time of 10 a.m.
As required by the governor’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Section 2, members of the public may submit public comment by logging into the Zoom Webinar by accessing the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87570138797
9 a.m.
9 a.m.
As required by the governor’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Section 2, members of the public may submit public comment by logging into the Zoom Webinar by accessing the following link:
9 a.m.
As required by the governor’s Declaration of Emergency DIrective 006 Section 2, members of the public may submit public comment by logging into the Zoom Webinar by accessing the following link:
9 a.m.
Special Meeting-As required by the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Section 2, members of the public may submit public comment by logging into the ZOOM webinar by accessing the following link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85095311836
9 a.m.
As required by the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Section 2, members of the public may submit public comment by logging into the ZOOM webinar by accessing the following link: https://zoom.us/j/93390817292
9 a.m.
Special Meeting-As required by the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 Section 2, members of the public may submit public comment by logging into the ZOOM webinar by accessing the following link: https://zoom.us/j/786705894.
9 a.m.
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Meeting Cancelled
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Special Meeting
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
8:30 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
470 Foothill Drive, Reno NV 89511
9 a.m.
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
9 a.m.
Washoe County Commission Chambers
Regular meeting to include Budget Hearing